Monday, August 8, 2011

Quotes of The Week - August 1st to August 7th

“Thinking out of the box was simple for us – we just went out of the box (cubicle) and started thinking!”
The founders of the startup, engage in some lateral thinking to design Hindi crosswords for students.

“A lot can happen over a coffee... especially if it takes 30 min just to take an order @CafeCoffeeDay”
A customer tweets as he waits for his Cappuccinno.
Isn’t it too much time considering Café Coffee Day’s outlets hardly seem to have any customers most of the time?

“We are very different from Twitter and have many additional features.  For example, you can
add a comment to a retweet on”
Sina Corporation’s Charles Chao explains how China’s mash up of Facebook and Twitter isn’t just a
replication of successful US social networking websites. But even he can’t resist using the term ‘retweet’.

To be successful, you need to do something different or do something differently.”
A TiE representative describes his success mantra on the ET Now show, Starting Up.

“We saw the joker. Where is batman?”
A tennis commentator makes a batman reference after Novak Djokovic wins his first Wimbledon.
The Serbian tennis star is noted for his mimicry of fellow tennis stars.
(Courtesy Bharath S Rao)

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