Monday, August 1, 2011

Quotes of The Week - July 25th to July 31st

You are sharp and thoughtful.”
The authors of Economics for Dummies make an assumption about the average reader.
Is the book really for dummies? I will have to read and find out.

“I think Andrew Strauss is about to shake hands with Praveen Kumar.”
Commentator David Lloyd creatively describes Strauss’ batting position while facing Kumar.

 “I don’t know whose miss is bigger. The honours board’s for missing Sachin’s name or Sachin’s for not making it to the honours board. “

Commentator Harsha Bhogle ponders over Sachin’s terrible luck at Lord’s.
(Thank you Nitin for the amazing quote!)

"I know, but I had a better year than Hoover".
Baseball player Babe Ruth's reply on his $80K salary being more than the President's $75K.
Tweeted by Mitch Kapor


“Grass is for cows.”
Tennis player Marat Safin succinctly explains his dislike for the hallowed grass courts at Wimbledon.

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